Reducing the Risk of Cataracts: A Guide

As you get older, looking after your eyes becomes increasingly important. As you age, your risk of developing cataracts increases. A cataract is a clouding which can occur over the lenses in your eyes. They can seriously impact your ability to see and this can degrade your quality of life. The article will provide you with everything you need to know about lowering the risk that you will develop cataracts. Read on to find out more.

Consume less sugar

A lot of modern food contains high levels of sugar. Every soft drink, candy bar and snack all contain sugars. However, consuming too much sugar can seriously increase the chance that you will develop cataracts. If you consume too much sugar, this increases the probability that you will develop diabetes. Studies have shown that cataracts occur more frequently in diabetic patients. By being careful about what you eat and drink, you can help to cut the risk that you will develop cataracts as you age.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses don't just make you look pretty cool, they can also help to reduce the risk of cataracts. The powerful UV rays from the sun have been shown to trigger changes in cells within the retina. These changes are thought to play a part in the formation of cataracts in later life. So before you leave the house on a sunny day, it is always a good idea to pick up your sunglasses.

Eat plenty of vitamin-rich foods

One of the best ways of combating cataracts is to make sure you eat vitamin-rich foods. Vitamins C and A are key to reducing the risk of cataracts. You can get lots of vitamin A from foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots and kale. For vitamin C, you should consume foods such as broccoli and oranges.

Zeaxanthin and Lutein

Zeaxanthin and lutein are nutrients which have been shown to help to reduce the chance that a person will suffer from cataracts. You can get plenty of these nutrients from foods such as kale and spinach.

Book an appointment with an eye doctor

Finally, by attending periodical check-ups with an eye doctor, you can increase the chance that cataract will be caught early. Early detection will allow the eye doctor to read the problem before it becomes serious.

If you would like to find out more, you should book an appointment with an eye doctor near you today.
